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Adventures in Africa

Man’s Sight Restored

Now he can see!

After I finished preaching on “Exceptional Excitement – The Power of the Testimony” at the Sunday morning service (Feb 19) at Glory Mission Centre in Dandora (Nairobi, Kenya), I was relaxing in the office of FTAF Apostle Benson Kiunjuri, enjoying a simple lunch and some chai (tea). After a few minutes of “winding down” after this “last” ministry activity on this trip to Kenya, I found out I wasn’t actually finished.

Pastor Elihud brought to the office a friend named Richard, whose vision was so severely impaired that he had not been able to see more than 3 or 4 inches in front of his face, for over 20 years!

Apostle Kiunjuri “informed” me that I wasn’t done with ministry that day, and I whole-heartedly agreed! The compassion of Jesus welled up in all of us as we prayed for healing of Richard’s eyes. The power of that compassion improved his vision so much, that he was able to see the clock on the wall, and the hands on the clock, something he could not do when he first came into the office. He correctly identified several objects and their colors, and was able to accurately discern the number of fingers Apostle Kiunjuri held up to test his vision.

Joy filled the office and the Joyful One rejoiced with us, because His compassion has once more paved the way for changing a blind man’s life forever! Bwana asifiwe (Lord be praised)!

I was now able to finish my chai and head to dinner and the airport for the safari home, although I’m not sure I needed the plane to fly!


–Steve Trullinger

February 22, 2017

The Testimony of Josephine

On the fourth night of our Freedom Festival in Kisumu, Kenya, we heard the testimony of Josephine, the mother of little Christine who had been suffering the previous night from bad stomach pain and headaches. When I had the crowd lift up handkerchiefs/scarves/jackets/etc. that night to have them anointed through the power of our voices in agreement that healing virtue would fill these items, Christine held up her sweater right where she stood with her mother at the edge of the field. She then placed the sweater on herself and was instantly healed of stomach pain. The headache remained, but Josephine encouraged her daughter to believe that the headache would depart also. That’s exactly what happened a few seconds later, and now little Christine believes in miracles!! The testimony of this miracle shifted the atmosphere prophetically (Rev 19:10) and similar miracles happened through the rest of this fourth night of the Festival! Bwana asifiwe! (Lord, be praised!)

Rising From the Ashes

On our fifth and final night of the Gulu Freedom Festival in northern Uganda, we again witnessed the power of calling on the name of Jesus. When a large thunderstorm threatened to wash out the Festival just as we were beginning, I reminded the believers in the crowd that we have authority as sons of God to shift the behavior of the elements, in like manner to Jesus calming the storm [Mk 4:39]. So we united in commanding the rain to avoid our field until we had finished! Even though lightning flashes punctuated my message, and rain fell all around us, not one drop fell anywhere on the Festival field the entire time of our gathering! The believers in the crowd responded en masse to my exhortation to forgive all those who had sinned against them, especially those in years past who had committed horrible atrocities against their families in northern Uganda during Joseph Kony’s despicable treatment of innocent children.

As the believers repented for holding unforgiveness, anger, hatred, etc., and made a choice to forgive completely, a powerful deliverance was accomplished, with most of the crowd feeling free now in their hearts. Healing and blessing of the land and the peoples will now accelerate in Gulu and the surrounding region! [2 Chron 7:14]. Hundreds then responded (see picture) to the salvation invitation and the party began! With song and much dancing, many more people were healed tonight by the loving compassion of Jesus as our team reluctantly had to bid adieu to many precious new friends. Praise the Lord for the transformation of this amazing community in northern Uganda! Gulu will now “rise from the ashes” as the empowered army of God here forcefully advances the kingdom of God!

–Steve Trullinger, August 21, 2016

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Hundreds Healed!

The third night of our Freedom Festival in Gulu (northern Uganda) started off with a powerful testimony by FTM Associate Minister and mission team member, Michelle Smith, who then offered a salvation invitation and led many dozens to Christ!

Bwana asifiwe (Lord be praised)!

I then preached on the power of just one touch from Jesus, giving examples from Scripture and emphasizing that Jesus lives in every believer, so that, even one touch from a believer can heal the sick. I shared my testimony about a pastor’s wife in a remote village in Tanzania with an issue of blood for over 10 years and very close to death being instantly healed by just one touch of Jesus in me in 2003.

The prophetic power of the testimony of Jesus’ miracles (Rev 19:10) prepared our crowd of 10,000 this evening to receive miracle healing.

So, I sent our team onto the field to walk through the huge crowd and touch as many as they could with the healing power of Jesus! Several hundred Ugandans raised their hands to testify that they had been instantly healed by our team members’ loving, but brief, laying on of hands!

Many more people gave their lives to Jesus on this night because of the demonstration of His power to heal through believing believers!! [Mk 16:17-18]

Paralysis Healed!

The second night of our Freedom Festival in Gulu (Northern Uganda) was off the charts!

10-Year Old:

I started by asking ten people with pain in their bodies to come up to the platform and line up facing the crowd. Ten-year old, Angel Gift (her real name!), responded to my call to the crowd of over 5,000 for a child volunteer who was saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and believed that God could do anything!

I coached little Angel Gift to then simply walk by the line of people, without praying for them or even looking at them, and believe that they would be healed by the power of the Holy Spirit flowing from within her (John 7:38-39), a la Peter in Acts, Chapter 5.

By the time Angel Gift had walked past the line of people three times, all but one had been healed! The last one, (a man with severe kidney pain), was finally healed also as many in the crowd joined in believing that “rivers of living water” were “flowing from their innermost being” to heal the man’s kidney!

Next, I sent our Father’s Touch mission team down on the field to simply walk past people as they made their way through the crowd, and believe that many would be healed, a la Peter.

Over 200 people were healed this way, with no one praying for them!

2-Year Old:

Of particular note was a young, approximately 2-year old paralyzed girl, who was being held in her mother’s arms down on the field. As one of our team members walked by, the mother believed her daughter was healed by the power of the Holy Spirit being released in this way and tested her daughter’s legs by setting her down on the ground. The girl immediately began walking on her own!

Praise God for his compassionate healing as in the days of the Apostle Peter!

Mama and daughter came up on the platform to testify, and the crowd screamed in delight as the young girl walked perfectly several times in full view of the many people who knew about her former paralysis!

The Lord did many other amazing miracles tonight and many believers in the crowd committed to healing their sick neighbors tomorrow, simply by walking past them! Testimonies will be coming!

No Match for Jesus!

Our first night (Wednesday) at the Freedom Festival in Gulu (Northern Uganda) was powerful! As I preached a very simple message on the power in calling on the name of Jesus, many dozens of people in the crowd of over 1,000 were saved (Joel 2:32), healed, and delivered of addictions, demonic oppression, and fears, etc. The crowd swelled further, and (there was) more ministry by the team and the local pastors, resulting in many more salvations! Praise God for the power in calling on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ! (Acts 2:21)


Brought Back to Life!

While we were seeing many miracles this weekend on the Sunshine Coast of Australia, one of my spiritual grandsons, Dismas Onjula, in Dandora (Nairobi), Kenya, was conducting a 3-day Freedom Festival (crusade). Here is his brief report of many salvations and the raising of a dead woman through prayer:

“It was phenomenal and a real climax indeed today in (the) Dandora Crusade. More than 700 souls were born again within those 3days {Yes It’s Time To Make Hell Empty and Make Heaven Full!} because the Harvest is plenty indeed brethren. Yesterday, we prayed for a dead woman and she resurrected today she gave a testimony and God be the glory for His mighty doings in the land of the living.”

Additional details from Bishop Dismas:

“Papa she’s a woman single mother of 4 children. She was just brought from the crowd bleeding blood through the nose and mouth; then we allowed the ushers and one nurse to (perform) first aid but 5 minutes letter we were told she’s gone. Then they brought the body in front of the pulpit. Then the Holy Spirit said we should close her grave and claim her back to life and she came back to life and God be the glory.”

“She died before she got born again but after the resurrection, she accepted salvation and got born again.”

Holy Spirit Healed ALL!

Our Freedom Festival in Lira, Uganda, finished with a bang on Sunday evening as a little six-year old girl with faith simply walked by six people on the platform with pain in their bodies, and ALL of them were healed by the power of the Holy Spirit flowing from her (a la Peter in Acts, Chapter 5)! The belief level in the crowd soared even more as over one hundred people were healed simply by the dancing and rejoicing of their neighbors on the field as we gave praise to Jesus! God has shifted the atmosphere in Lira, as His Kingdom has overtaken the kingdom of darkness!    Hallelujah!


December 7, 2014

All were healed!

Wow, what a tremendous way for the Lord to finish the Freedom Festival held for 6 days in Lodwar [northern Kenya]! I felt strongly from the Lord this last night that he wanted to bless the people in attendance with an amazing display of his healing love, and he did just that!

When I asked the crowd of 5000+ to tell me by a show of hands which of them needed healing in their bodies, about 1000 people raised their hand. I encouraged them to believe with me that every one of them would be healed this night and that not one sick person would be left on the field, in accordance with the command of Jesus to “heal the sick!” [Mt 10:8; Lk 10:9]

A 13-yr old boy named Puse, who believed that God could do anything, helped me demonstrate on the platform that the sick can be healed simply by walking past them, a la Peter [Acts, Chpt. 5]. Then more children, led by Puse, walked several times in a circle around several sick on the field in front of the platform and they were all healed!

Next we had the crowd hold up their handkerchiefs and various cloths as I prayed from the platform for God’s healing power to fill these items, which were then placed on many of the sick and they were healed, a la Paul in Acts 19:11-12.

Many sick remained however, so we then simply waved the handkerchiefs in the air and commanded healing of the sick, and several hundred were healed this way. With only about 100 of the original 1000 still needing healing, we then had the crowd dance to a worship song, led by a well-known worship leader in East Africa, and all but 20 were healed!

After I gathered these 20 in front of the platform, a young girl named Millicent volunteered to help me from the platform, as Puse led his “team” in walking in a circle around these remaining 20. Millicent simply pointed to the sick people from the platform and commanded their healing. Eventually, all but one of the 20 were healed!

Out of the original 1000+ needing healing, now only one remained: a deaf-mute boy. I called him to the platform and Millicent and I prayed for him and he began to speak and his hearing began improving after repeated ministry on the platform. He went away rejoicing as his ears continued to improve!

As “advertised” by the Lord, not one sick person was left on the field! Then several dozen amazed folks gave their lives to Christ as we closed out this incredible week in Lodwar! Bwana asifiwe! [Lord, be praised!]

The Authority to Heal!

July 5, 2013:

God did an extraordinary miracle through a young Kenyan boy named Sebastian on the platform during this 4th night of our Freedom Festival in Kakamega, Kenya. I called 10 people with pain up to the platform and told those remaining on the field who also had pain that they “would be healed also, so please be patient!”

I had the 10 people line up across the back of the platform, facing the crowd, and then I called for a young volunteer to help me. Sebastian responded and came up to the platform and stood ready to help me. When I asked if he was saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and believed God could do anything, he answered “Ndio!” which means “Yes!”

I preached on the power that healed people as the Apostle Peter simply walked by the sick who had been laid on beds and mats on his way through the streets of Jerusalem to Solomon’s colonnade, as described in Acts, Chapter 5. That same power (Holy Spirit) resides in every believer today, including my volunteer, Sebastian!

So, as Sebastian walked past the sick on the platform, obeying my instruction to not pray for them and not even look at them, but instead pretend he was Peter walking through the streets of Jerusalem on his way to preach a sermon, all but one of those in pain was healed by that “Living Water” inside of Sebastian that was “pouring out” in accordance with John 7:38-39! [The remaining person had some severe demonic oppression and was ministered to afterward by pastors on the field.]

When I then turned my attention to those still on the field with pain to get them healed, I discovered that they too had been healed as Sebastian walked by the sick on the platform!!

I was astounded by this “long-distance walk-by healing” miracle by Sebastian and commissioned him as a healing minister on the spot! As a result of this extraordinary miracle by a young Kenyan boy, many people gave their lives to Christ! Bwana asifiwe! [Lord, be praised!]

July 7, 2013:

An epilogue to our status report two days ago, concerning the 4th night of our Freedom Festival in Kakamega, Kenya: The young boy named Sebastian, who healed the crowd simply by walking by the line of people with pain on the platform, attended our host church this morning for the Sunday service.

He testified that the one remaining person on the platform who had pain (in his ear), did in fact get healed later as local leaders ministered to him.  First he gave his life to Jesus and then all his ear pain left, and demonic oppression ended!

Sebastian (whom I commissioned as a healing minister on Thursday evening in front of the crowd) told the congregation today that he knows he has authority to heal and he is pursuing his destiny calling in God! Hallelujah! As I preached this morning on the “Healing Power of Compassion,” the congregation healed everyone with pain in their midst!

Kakamega is “buzzing” with news of the hundreds of miracles during our Freedom Festival and hundreds of salvations! This city will never be the same, as the belief level has gone up tremendously and there is now an “army” of ministers of the healing compassion of Jesus! Bwana asifiwe! [Lord, be praised!]

–Steve Trullinger