The Father's Touch Ministries (FTM) is commissioned to manifest healing touches from the Father in a variety of tangible expressions of his love poured out from his heart through ours. Our mission is realized through action, as we continually expand our family of ministers to partner with Jesus as they heal physical bodies and hearts, deliver those oppressed by demonic spirits, and help escort the lost into the loving family of God.
The Father's Touch Ministries is a family of ministries that have the common theme of reflecting the love in the Father's heart toward his children.
The expanding diversity of our ministries currently includes:
We work predominately in Africa to share the Gospel of Hope with
dignity and purpose.
Through workshops, seminars, and conferences as well as through
writings and audio recordings.
We give apostolic covering and support to emerging ministry organizations so that they can thrive!
Our call is to raising up the next generation of fiery and passionate revivalists all over the globe. We work to support, mentor and strength those investing in the next generation.

In 1995, Steve Trullinger left a secure tenured position as a Physics professor at USC, to follow the Father on a faith-walk of adventure, trusting in the Lord’s design for the second half of his life. His twenty-five years as an educator and researcher helped prepare him to train healing and evangelistic mission teams and to help many to understand the synergisms of spiritual gifts in the ministries of healing and evangelism.
Late in 2000, Steve founded The Father’s Touch Ministries, based in California, and has helped to launch and direct many healing teams of volunteers in North America, as well as lead almost 20 short term mission teams focused on healing and evangelism in East Africa. These teams have been blessed to lead several tens of thousands to Christ and bring the Father’s healing touch to many thousands of sick in hospitals, villages, slums, and Freedom Festival crowds. One of Steve’s favorite pastimes is to help his team members get “wrecked beyond recognition!”
As Steve travels extensively in North America, he releases encouragement among the sons of God to step into their destiny and he exhorts the Body of Christ to please God by exercising faith in His promises. There is often a release of powerful healing anointing to launch individuals and even entire congregations into the ministry of healing when Steve ministers the compassion of Jesus to the sick!
In his healing evangelism ministry in East Africa, Steve has witnessed miraculous creation of missing body parts and the wholesale healing of entire villages! He has been privileged to commission healing ministries and serve as a “spiritual father” to younger healing revivalists. He helps found and support children’s homes in various regions of East Africa and oversees relief, development, and transformation projects that help bring hope to these regions, with dignity and purpose.
He also serves as the founder of the Father’s Touch Apostolic Family, which supports and equips his spiritual sons who are also apostolic fathers to many. This inter-generational family of apostles provides training and encouragement to many leaders in the Body of Christ, especially in East Africa. In August 2015, Steve was formally commissioned as a Harvest International Ministry (H.I.M.) Apostle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and serves on the Apostolic Team for H.I.M.
Steve has four grown children, two grandsons, and currently resides in Torrance, California.