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From the Homefront

Supernatural and Healing

By April 10, 2021July 22nd, 2023No Comments


Wisconsin misses you (okay so I’m taking the liberty to speak on behalf of my whole state). We are looking to be more activated in the gift of faith and healing. The seeds you planted are sprouting. Local denominational pastors are even preaching the supernatural and healing. Some churches are writing “to become a center of healing” into their mission statements. And others are ready to launch into regular community healing services, and I know a few who go to the streets looking for opportunity to pray with people. I’m so blessed to see a shift in attitude. I’ve always known my region was a “religious” area that valued the religious do’s and don’ts, so this is exciting to watch. Its becoming normal to believe for the supernatural. I just want to thank you for speaking into my region and planting seeds in our atmosphere. I wanted to share with you a few things I see and hope to encourage you. And if you’re ever in Wisconsin again you know you have a place. Be blessed.