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Adventures in Africa

Deaf Ear Healed!

By April 9, 2021July 23rd, 2023No Comments

The miracles continue in Kisumu, Kenya! On the third night of our Freedom Festival, I preached on the expectation we can have of “extraordinary miracles,” exemplified by the “anointed” handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched Apostle Paul and had power to heal the sick and drive out demons (Acts 19:11-12). To demonstrate, I called for the deaf and a man (Willis) partially deaf in one ear came from the crowd to the platform.

Team member Carol and I joined in laying hands on her handkerchief and releasing healing anointing to the cloth, which she then placed on Willlis’ ear while commanding healing, in Jesus’ name. We tested his hearing and he could hear very well from that previously impaired ear, much to the delight of the crowd and our team! Then, I had the encouraged crowd hold up handkerchiefs, scarves, jackets, etc., so I could pray for healing anointing to fill those items.

Dozens in the crowd were healed as they then simply waved their anointed “items” at the sick and commanded healing. There is extraordinary power in the voice of the believer, as the Holy Spirit partners with our speech that is in agreement with the Father’s will to heal! Bwana asifiwe! (Lord, be praised!)

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