In an informal setting at an Aglow International brunch (in Torrance, CA) in September 2019, Steve shared a short, but deep, explanation of the role of love in the unity of the sons of God that Jesus prayed for in John 17:20-23. After discussing the supernatural nature of the love that Jesus commanded us to exhibit to one another (John 13:34-35), and the supernatural power of synergy as this kind of love is “exchanged” among the sons of God, Steve then shares a major conclusion based on analogous behavior in natural systems. Namely, that the Bride of Christ (made up of the sons of God) can exhibit “perfect” behavior (perfect unity!) even though the individuals themselves are imperfect! So, what’s love got to do with it? – Everything!
NOTE: This message is a part of the One! message collection. To check out the full set of messages, or to buy the full collection at a discounted price, click here.