Mamas & Papas, Arise! (2 Part)


Listen in to this 2-part extended message (shared in Ballard, WA – 2014) that serves as a classic example of the kind of powerful revelations shared at Steve’s favorite type of venue for encouragement: an evening home meeting with a small group of hungry believers. In part 1, Steve shares the story of his calling by Abba into full-time ministry and it contains several powerful lessons concerning our trust in God, as well as strong encouragement to surrender to His will. In part 2, Steve focuses on the “oneness” or “unity” that Abba desires for his family, with several insights into the heart of the Father regarding the unity of the generations. You will be stirred to surrender to the call (perhaps in a fresh way) to the “mamas & papas” to arise (!) and say to Abba, “Here am I, send me!” NOTE: This is a 2-part message.

NOTE: This message is a part of the One! message collection. To check out the full set of messages, or to buy the full collection at a discounted price, click here.