In this section of “Transforming Touches,” we highlight the amazing power of Abba’s love to transform a region and produce lasting fruits of forgiveness among leaders in the Body of Christ.


Our 4-Day Father’s Touch Apostolic Family (FTAF) Leadership Workshop on “Windows to the Father’s Heart” in February 2019 proved to be a pivotal event for the 75 regional leaders gathered in beautiful Kendu Bay, on the shore of Lake Victoria in southwestern Kenya. 

Steve didn’t know this ahead of time, but was informed upon arrival that there were bishops who previously would not even attend the same meetings because of animosity, past hurts, etc.  But the Holy Spirit moved so powerfully that these bishops not only attended, but also repented and forgave one another.  Some were even weeping on each other’s shoulders as forgiveness healed their hearts toward one another. 

Here are some excerpts from Steve’s praise report describing the fruit of the revelation of Abba’s love during this “historic” event, sponsored by the Father’s Touch Apostolic Family:

During each afternoon heavy rain poured on the thirsty land of this region, but not until we had finished the workshop, and this was a powerful demonstration of the authority of the many apostolic leaders who prayed with authority over the timing of the rains.  With their hearts yearning to know Abba better, these humble saints listened intently to Steve sharing deep revelation of Abba’s love for us all, and the joy that erupted on many occasions displayed the refreshment that was so needed by many who knew too little of the loving nature of Abba and too much of the religious, legalistic teaching of generations of those bound by performance-based approval, with superficial “success” badges taking the place of true honor.

At the conclusion of the Workshop, Steve and FTAF Regional Director Benson Kiunjuri presented signed Certificates of Completion to each attendee who overcame various challenges to look deeper into the heart of the Father.  The joy in all these leaders was a refreshing shift as they were simply honored for their hunger, not performance.

One particular pastor (shown at right receiving his Certificate) demonstrated his hunger for Abba’s heart by traveling from his home in Kisumu well over an hour away from Kendu Bay.  He had lost both legs in an accident, but that did not stop him from exploring the “most fascinating place in the universe.”  The joy in his face is representative of the many who were “transformed by the viewing of His heart.”

Our participants paused for this group photo before departing for their respective homes, some of them quite far away.   They have now rejoined their respective congregations and families and have already been sharing some of the treasures they have seen in the Father’s heart.

We have been receiving very encouraging feedback from several of the key bishops in attendance, many of whom exclaimed verbally to our organizers that this meeting was historic for the entire region.

Here are some examples of written feedback:

“The Kendu Bay workshop was great!  We received a deeper revelation about our relationship with the Father.  We also experienced a strong unity as church leaders and now we have purposed to work together to build the Kingdom of God and help everyone to get into their rightful position in the Father’s heart.  We need more of these meetings in different parts of the county and other areas of this great nation.”

“The pastors used to see the congregation as “their own people” and they feared that another [pastor] might take them away, but after this meeting we realized that we are the children of God, and God is faithful as we occupy our position in his heart.  Since the workshop we now communicate, share ideas and encourage one another.  It’s a great blessing!”

“We came up with a network of church leaders, to work together to build the kingdom of God.”

“The Kendu Bay workshop was an eye opener of the saints’ position in the kingdom and heart of God.  A turning point and a bridge linking and connecting brethren for kingdom agenda.”

“The workshop brought a sense of connection.  I request for the same in Kisumu County.”

“The Kendu Bay workshop demystified God from just a Deity to a Father with whom sons could relate to.  It made God approachable especially through the window of love.  The workshop simplified God and exposed his reason for creating mankind.  It also proved that we can all come together in unity for a good cause and this particularly encouraged ministers of God to be united in their future engagements for the expansion of the kingdom.  It brought a paradigm shift in the mindsets of ministers especially in Kendu Bay and its environs where unity has always been a pipe dream (that with God everything is possible).  The Kendu Bay workshop was a huge success and personally my life and relationship with God and my biological father changed forever and for the better.  May God continue to bless Papa Steve with years and good health to continue this work.  Thanks!”

The above responses encourage us greatly to continue to equip key leaders in the Body of Christ, who can then take the essence of the message of “Windows to the Father’s Heart” to their respective communities.

Steve followed up with about 25 of these leaders on a subsequent visit to the region and verified that they had instituted a regular leaders’ prayer meeting that has solidified their commitment to work together and advance the Kingdom in their region.  They are still going strong and are overflowing with the love of Christ for one another!  

The fruits of forgiveness are indeed multiplying as more leaders see the transformation that has occurred in this blessed region!   Hallelujah!

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