John and Jill Kloos come alongside the Body of Christ as a father and mother to reveal the kindness of a gracious God who is always good. He demonstrates his love through John and Jill by encouraging the Body in the prophetic, healing the whole person, words of knowledge and teaching in revelation from the Holy Spirit.
John has served the Body of Christ in various capacities for many years: he served as an elder for 16 years, ran youth programs, taught adult education, studied apologetics, and trained in systematic theologies and church growth. Jill has organized several small group studies and has discipled many women throughout California.
Together, they are both moved by the Holy One to help others put on Christ and to walk into their callings to become everything God made them to be. They release an impartation of encouragement and freedom where the Lord breaks off unbelief and fear over the lives of his children and imparts faith and a revelation of his Son. Their ministry teams travel to many churches throughout the Southern California area and hold teaching classes and partner with other churches that are thirsty and hungry for encounters with the Holy Spirit.
John and Jill work full time in the market place and have established their ministry called “For Such A Day As This” Ministries. [Please visit their website at:] They help establish other ministries throughout California and work with many others to demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God. Both of them have been walking with the Lord for many decades and continue to learn and grow in grace under the love of the Father.
John and Jill have been separately blessed with four wonderful children from prior marriages. Their long-term courtship was a strong example and source of encouragement to many young people whom they mentor, and their wedding in April of 2010 was a glorious celebration of God’s redemptive love. They currently reside in Fountain Valley, CA, and continue to serve as spiritual parents to many younger adults in the Southern California area.
We are proud to announce that John & Jill Kloos has successfully completed our T-Minus-Ten countdown and have officially launched their own ministry called For Such A Day As This.
Their new email addresses are:
Please visit their website to find out more about their ministry and/or to donate to their ministry efforts!
And visit them on Facebook at: