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Adventures in Africa

Deaf-Mute Girl Healed!

By August 14, 2012July 29th, 2023No Comments

At the second night of our Freedom Festival in Gulu (northern Uganda), I invited the deaf to come up to the platform to be healed. A woman brought her young deaf-mute daughter in response. Our team prayed for her and she received partial hearing! Hallelujah! However, God was not done!

Two nights later, one team member noticed the same young girl on the field responding to the message!! She could hear completely!!! So, she was invited to the platform to “give” (via our team member) her testimony. Sensing that God wanted to finish restoring her, we commanded the mute spirit to leave her, and she began to speak!! Hallelujah! Praise God for his faithfulness to finish the job!

–Steve Trullinger
